Workplace Welfare

How To Impress Your Manager & Get Promoted

If you’ve been holding the same designation at work for a long time, surely you must find yourself wondering what’s coming between you and your promotion? Does your boss not like you? Are you...

Top Tips To Re-skill Yourself In The Workforce Of Today 

The first question to ask is, what do employers really want? The answer is simple. Employers are looking for skills that can augment or develop business and make them more profitable. Some of these talents...

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How to Avoid a Bad Interview

We’ve all had bad interviews. You know, the kind where the interviewer asks you a question that you weren’t expecting, and you babble something incoherent. You know at that moment that you just blew...

4 Jobs To Consider If You’re Looking For A Creative Career

In today’s day and age, you can do almost anything creative and you’ll most likely find someone who’s willing to pay for it - as long as you’ve put the time and effort into...

Top Tips on How to Work from Home

In today’s modern world, working from home is a luxury given to employees by their respective companies. However, this situation can become stressful if you’re easily distracted. While at work you have your boss...