Here’s how you can earn respect at work

Everyone seeks respect in their professional lives. Gaining the respect of others at work is something that many people want. By following these tips, you will get a better understanding of the art of gaining respect.

1.Display Confidence.

Show colleagues your passions and encourage others to do the same. Always maintain your individual identity by not letting your job consume you. Your employer must know that you choose to work for them and not the other way around. Do not let the fear of losing your job affect your performance. Always have a backup plan if you are ever laid off. Make sure you have options. 

2.Complete tasks on time.

Being punctual will show your supervisors & subordinates that you are indeed a responsible person. Be a woman/man of your word. This can help others trust you. If you are given an unreasonable deadline, tactfully convey this information.

3.Show humility.

Be willing to show your flaws, but do not focus on them. Have some self-depreciation, but pair it with self-confidence. People do not respect a leader who is insecure & continuously mentions their shortcomings. You can show your human side, but always maintain a sense of bravado.

4.Respect coworkers you don’t like

Seeing eye-eye with co-workers is not always easy, but you must still show professional respect to everyone. Things can change rapidly in the corporate world.  A person who is your subordinate could someday become your supervisor. Or a coworker could join another company & become one of your future clients.

5.Don’t indulge in work gossip

While it is tempting to listen & repeat office gossip, doing so will make it  seem like you can’t be trusted with confidential information. It gives the impression that you enjoy the misfortunes of others. This is not a good way to earn respect.

The most important way to gain respect from others is to respect yourself first. All the best!