What Not to Wear to an Interview

Although your style of dress says nothing about your credentials as an employee, what you wear to an interview is very important. When you walk into the interview, your first impression is crucial. Your physical appearance is the first thing the interviewer will notice. A big part of your physical appearance is your style of dress.

What statement are you making with your clothing? You want to ensure that your statement is respectful and professional to give you a better chance of getting hired.

Every job position is going to have a different dress code, but all job interviews have one thing in common. There are things that you should never wear to any interview.

Make sure you don’t wear the wrong thing to your interview by staying away from these interview faux pas:

Ripped, Dirty or Wrinkled Clothing

This should be a no brainer, but wearing clothing that looks like you pulled it out of the dumpster will not make a good first impression. It will instead give the impression that you don’t really care.

A job interview is the time to pull out your Sunday best. Inspect your clothing to ensure that there are no rips or stains on your interview outfit and get familiar with an iron. Your appearance should be as pristine as possible.

Revealing Clothing

Clothing that is too low cut or showy could give the wrong impression at a job interview. Don’t wear shirts that are too tight or skirts that are too short. You risk distracting or even offending the interviewer if you show up with clothing that is too revealing.

Anything Flashy

If you wear anything too distracting, you risk taking the focus away from your credentials. Unless you are applying for a job as a clothing designer, you don’t want your clothing to take center stage. Keep your clothing simple, classy, and clean.

Flip Flops or Tennis shoes

What you wear on your feet counts too. You don’t want to stroll into the office with flip flops or tennis shoes on. Even if the rest of your outfit is perfect, your shoes can ruin the entire first impression. Choose modest and comfortable dress shoes.


A hat, scarf, or headphones on your head will also be off putting to your interviewer. When they look at your face, they don’t want to have their eyes drawn up to your head. While accessories are fine, they should be kept to a minimum.

Yoga pants, jeans, or joggers

All three of these pants scream casual and unprofessional and have no place at a job interview. Make sure you wear well fitting and pressed dress pants or a skirt below the knees to a job interview to make the best impression.

Too much cologne or perfume

You might not think about this part of your dress, but the way you smell can also make an impression to the interviewer. Although, you certainly don’t want to smell bad or forget to put on deodorant, you also don’t want to overdo it with the cologne or perfume.Some people are highly sensitive to smells and the last thing you want to do is give your interviewer a headache to remember you by.

 By avoiding these types of clothing, you can allow your resume and professional accomplishments to take the limelight and increase your chances of getting hired.