Work-Life Balance & How To Achieve It!

The best things in life come to those who plan. Nothing good ever comes easy.

It’s no surprise that most hardworking Americans find it difficult to strike a healthy balance between their work & personal lives. Millions of Americans suffer from lifestyle disorders arising from poor management of time. Sure, your career is important, but success also commands a certain level of health & fitness in order to cope with it. If you find yourself working late, working on weekends with no time to recuperate – it’s time to Stop!

Read on to find out how simple it is to prioritize balance in your life, once you realize how vital it is to your well-being!

Your Well Being Is Your Responsibility

Your employers and family might have some obligations towards your physical and mental health, but striking a work-life balance is your responsibility!

If you find your work unhealthily eating into your time, it is advisable to have the talk with your manager. Human resource officials are there to help you out too. Talk to them. Take time to review your workload. Only you can make this intervention!

Smart Work Over Hard Work

The 21st century calls for efficient time management. Get a hold of things at work that are sapping your time and revise the way you function.

Office gossip, too much time spent on social media, unnecessary meetings, all play a part in eating your time. Before agreeing to take up more work – ask yourself – will this task ultimately help me to enhance my career growth? Research shows that productivity dips if you’re working more than 55 hours a week and that the overtime spent at work adds no extra value to your life or to the life of your organization.

Take A Break From The Smartphone Life

Smartphones are eating into our time like never before. A proper lunch break away from technology helps to relax your body and mind. An overtly sedentary lifestyle has been known to cause many health risks and leads to decreased productivity in the long run.

Mind Over Matter

It’s vital to keep a regular check on your mental health! If you break a bone or catch a fever, you have no other option but to kick back until you recover – but something as invisible as mental distress tends to get ignored. Be honest with yourself and see if you’re overdoing it. Find someone you can discuss this with if you begin to feel overwhelmed.

Physical Fitness & Relaxation

Regular exercise improves productivity and enhances your mental well being. It’s time well spent away from work! If you go to bed on time, you may allow yourself to wake up an hour earlier to go to the gym, go for walks or just relax with a book or your favorite magazine.

If not that, you could try taking time out for a stroll after lunch, everyday. You’ll feel instantly less stressed and more productive that way.

You owe it to yourself to lead a life that enriches you and those around you. When you start to follow the aforementioned life hacks, you will feel much lighter and more prepared to take up meaningful challenges.

Here’s wishing you blissful work life balance in the future. Only you can make it happen!